Official Notice of Dishonour Under UCC 3-503
Served to the man, Mark Hancock
Acting as the CUPE National President
Sent via Canada Post registered mail on Oct. 28th, 2022
Notice the agent is notice to the principle; notice to the principle is notice to the agent.
I have been reporting on the ongoing crimes occurring toward the children, and their family
members at Orde Daycare Inc. as well as Orde Daycare Staff members to Gina Gignac, who is
acting as CUPE 2484 Local Co-ordinator and Pay Equity Representative and Aidan Macdonald,
who is acting as CUPE National Representative. Both of their answer has been, “We do not
believe crimes have been committed.” I asked Aidan Macdonald, who is acting as CUPE National
Representative to provide who is making these claims that no crime has been committed with
evidence of how this has been legal and lawful, but he failed to answer.
Since Aidan Macdonald, who is acting as CUPE National Representative refused to answer on
the behalf of CUPE Ontario, I am reporting the crime CUPE has committed by giving fraudulent
information to CUPE members at the Vaccine Town Hall meeting on September 13th, 2021, to
whom made statements there with the newest data and evidence.
As the CUPE union and its representatives have failed in their duty of care, and their duty to
report and have also committed fraud, perjury and participation in the ongoing crimes against
humanity as well as breach of contract, which puts them in a state of dishonour, I am formally
rescinding all agreements made between YAYOI TAKEMOTO© and CUPE as of October 21st,
2022. CUPE 2484 representatives will be notified, and it is their duty to update ORDE daycare as
well. I will be seeking full remedy and damages compensation, as well as reporting CUPE/CUPE
2484 representatives to the local police, RCMP, International Criminal Court, Natural and
Common Law Tribunal for Public Health & Justice and the North American Military Alliance.
Official Notice of Dishonour Under UCC §3-503
CUPE Vaccine Town Hall meeting on September 13th, 2021
Fred Hahn, who is acting as CUPE president of Ontario, stated:
“We have said from the beginning, based on science and evidence, and now frankly, now
hundreds of millions of doses being administered, the vaccines are both safe and
“We have said this based on the foundation of our movement, the labour movement,
which is based in collective action and the importance of solidarity, it’s an expression of
solidarity to ensure that your co-workers are safe at work. It’s an expression of solidarity
that we do all that we can in this horrible situation to fight to keep everyone as safe as we
At Town Hall on Municipal Employer Vaccine Policies held on September 14th, 2021
“We believe the vaccines is safe and effective, so everyone should..who can be vaccinated
should be vaccinated.”
Paul Sylvestre, who is acting as CUPE National Health and Safety Representative, stated:
“(COVID-19) Vaccines will end the pandemic.”
Candace Rennick, who is acting as CUPE Secretary-Treasurer, stated:
“Seek the education and access to the science and information that you need to get
beyond any legitimate hesitancy that you are experiencing.”
“So a lof of questions and perhaps, maybe misinformation about the vaccine.”
Tara Moriarty, who is acting as a U of T infectious disease expert, stated:
“Fred alluded to at the very beginning, the (COVID-19) vaccines that are currently
available in Canada are actually extraordinarily safe.”
“These (COVID-19) vaccines are not killing people.”
“It is completely untrue that these (COVID-19) vaccines affect women’s or men’s
fertility, and that is something that is very important for people to know. It has been
around for a long time, there is no biological basis for it, there is no evidence for it, there
is no research to support it. It is completely fabricated. – this is completely untrue that
“I would definitely recommend it (to get COVID-19 Vaccine).
“There has always been sort of a lot of discussion or rummers, or I guess urban myths in
some ways that the effects of vaccines and side effects of vaccines can last for year, that is
in fact not true. – that can last for two or three months before it goes away. – Vaccines
actually do not have side effects that last past two to three months except immunity.”
“The vaccines that are approved in Canada, especially the mRNA vaccines, mRNA is
something that is extraordinarily unstable. So it’s actually hard to get it to stick around
for long enough to get an immune response, and it probable only lasts in our bodies for
about 2 days, maximum 2 days, and then it starts disappearing quite quickly. And
because of the way it’s picked up, it does not get carried around the body, it’s in the
location where its injected. – so that mRNA only lasts for about 2 days in our bodies and
its cleared extraordinarily quickly.”
“Yes, vaccines, it is a myth that vaccines have long-term side effects. – it is untrue and its
“We are absolutely certain that these (COVID-19) vaccines are completely safe”
“The Pfizer vaccines is completely approved – based on the all the evidence we have seen
so far, that they won’t be any issue at all.”
“It’s untrue that they are experimental vaccines, they have based on decades of
technology and research.”
“These vaccines have been like a Grand Slam Home Run.”
“They have been extraordinarily Fast and Effective and humanity as a whole has been
really really lucky that they worked out as well as they did.”
“I would like to express my enthusiasm for that they are not experimental.”
“What I can tell you is that I and other people will answer every question, will talk about,
will listen, will provide accurate information for the things where we know what the
answers are, and we will be with you.”
At Town Hall on Municipal Employer Vaccine Policies held on September 14th, 2021
“The most common vaccines its available that are approved in Canada is the Pfizer
vaccine, which I actually can’t remember the new name of the vaccine – I can’t remember
the new name, sorry I should have written it down (laughing), that is fully approved,
Moderna, its fully safe and approved with a massive amount of data that they have.”
Fraud/Fraudulent definition:
Meaning of Fraud:
•Something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage
-Synonyms: Dupery, fraudulence, hoax, humbug, put-on
•A person who makes deceitful pretences -Synonyms: Fake, faker, imposter, impostor,
• Intentional deception resulting in injury to another person
Cambridge Dictionary:
•Dishonest and illegal
•Intended to deceive
•Not what it claims or pretends to be
•Intended to deceive someone, for example, to get money
•Fraud/Fraudulent means any dishonest, wrongful, deceptive, criminal, malicious or
unauthorized act or omission committed
1. A person who pretends to be something or someone he is not
2. Fraud is an intentionally deceptive action designed to provide the perpetrator with an
unlawful gain or to deny a right to a victim. Fraudulent activity can be carried out by one
individual, multiple individuals or a business firm as a whole.
3. Fraud involves deceit with the intention to illegally or unethically gain at the expense of
another. Fraud costs the economy billions of dollars each and every year, and those who
are caught are subject to fines and jail time.
4. Fraud involves the false representation of facts, whether by intentionally withholding
important information or providing false statements to another party for the specific
purpose of gaining something that may not have been provided without the deception.
5. false or deceiving; phony; misleading
1) On October 10th, 2022, at European Union Parliament EU Parliament Special Committee on
COVID-19 pandemic Institutional Content (
Janie Small, Pfizer’s president of International Developed
Markets testified before European Union Parliament Dutch
MEP Rob Roos by following questions.
“Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?” Mr.Roos asked.
“If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee? And I
really want a straight answer, yes or no, and I’m looking forward to it.”
Ms.Small — appearing in the place of Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla, who had been called
to testify but pulled out of the hearing earlier this month — replied that the company had to
“move at the speed of science”.
“Regarding the question around, um, did we know about stopping the immunization [sic] before
it entered the market? No, heh,” she said
“Uh, these, um, you know, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand
what is taking place in the market, and from that point of view we had to do everything at risk. I
think Dr. Bourla, even though he’s not here, would turn around and say to you himself, ‘If not us
then who?’”
Ms.Small said Dr.Bourla “actually felt the importance of what was going on in the world, and
therefore as a result of that, we actually, um, spent $US2 billion, at risk, of self-funded money
from Pfizer, to be able to research, develop and manufacture at risk, to be able to make sure that
we were in a position to be able to help with the pandemic”.
Mr.Roos further states, “Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of
the myth that ‘you do it for others,” he said in the video, which has been viewed more than five
million times. “Now, this turned out to be a cheap lie. This should be exposed.”
Pfizer fraudulently misrepresented the endpoints in its clinical trial
2) Dr. William Makis MD proves Canadian Doctors’ Deaths Following COVID Shot Have more
than Doubled To 80:
3) Alberta premier apologizes to unvaccinated, considers dropping all lockdown prosecutions:”
I’m deeply sorry for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to discrimination as a result of
their vaccine status; I’m deeply sorry for any government employee that was fired from their job
because of their vaccine status, and I welcome them back if they want to come back.” https://
4) This is evidence of the harm in the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Bridle and many others spoke of
upon their release:
You will find the latest study that proves that the mRNA package moves beyond the injection site
and into the breast milk here.
Tara Moriarty, who is acting as the University of Toronto infectious disease expert, was chosen
by CUPE to speak for all the CUPE members to provide “the information” and was told by
multiple speakers at the Vaccine Town Hall meeting, for us to have concerns and questions
regarding COVID-19 vaccines are rumours, It is completely fabricated. – this is completely
untrue that information-These vaccines have been like a Grand Slam Home Run. -(COVID-19)
Vaccines will end the pandemic.-mRNA only lasts for about 2 days in our bodies, and its cleared
extraordinarily quickly.”
The stillbirths and deaths are in your hands by making those false statements at the CUPE
vaccine policy town hall meeting to all the members. The criminal negligence is in your hands. I
have been warning you and Gina Gignac that if they do not report the crimes and do something
about it, they are also participating in those crimes. CUPE is a criminal organization that is also
guilty of facilitating organized criminal activity. And Tara Moriarty, who is acting as the
University of Toronto infectious disease scientist, participated in the crime with them.
Besides Fetal Deaths, Breastfeeding Babies are Dying and becoming Sick:
The CEO of Moderna has also confirmed what we already knew and warned about regarding
the dangerous spike proteins moving into the heart from the vaccine: https://
This makes perfect sense as the increase in myocarditis and heart failure has greatly increased
since the introduction of the experimental COVID injections. Yet we are lead to believe, in some
ridiculous cases, that the cause of death is “unknown”
This speaks to the fraud and cover-up Dr. Bridle, and many other world-renowned scientists
have revealed.
4) Injecting Children with the mRNA COVID Gene Injection or Any of the COVID Injections
Can be Very Damaging to Their Developing Innate Immune System.
Dr. Paul Alexander states:
“This COVID gene injection must be stopped! It has failed and is ineffective and harmful.
– The vaccine is driving massive infectious pressure and keeping the virus circulating.
Ultimately, vaccinated persons are becoming infected and spreading the virus. -Parents
must understand that when the COVID injection is given to young children, this (the
vaccinal antibodies that are induced due to the vaccine) prevents the child’s innate
antibodies from eliminating the virus confronted with now, and prevents the active
training and teaching of the innate immune effector cells on how to recognize
(glycosylated) viruses and distinguish them from “self” antigens (i.e., distinguish between
“self” and “non-self.”). There is a critical window of training for any immune system to
learn at an early stage of life (once passive maternal immune protection is no longer
available e.g., at about 4 to 6 months post birth) to provide for a healthy and appropriate
immune response, immediate and life-long. This interference with the initiating
foundational education of a child’s developing innate immune system can cause a
COVID-vaccinated child to be less capable of handling glycosylated viruses (and
glycosylated pathogens in general, as well as a range of pathogen). This predisposes such
children to immune pathology (e.g., autoimmune disease).”
Stanford’s John Ioannidis proves AGAIN COVID was NOT deadly for vast majority, low IFR:
Ioannidis shows us what we have been arguing for 2 years, to strongly protect the elderly
& leave rest of non-elderly society alone, free, NO lockdowns or school closures, no
mandates, no vaccine.
Ioannidis Oct 2022 publication now
Alexander’s (my) publication in AIER 2 years ago
VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Crisis Imminent:
in this case COVID vaccine-related; Nursing Report from the Nicklaus Children’s
Hospital in Miami; a very serious situation we face. Our young children are & will be in
serious danger with these COVID gene injections; it is and will cause havoc to their
immune systems. It already is; rare & benign diseases are emerging, all on the rise.
Sun et al.: “Increased emergency cardiovascular events among the under-40 population in Israel
during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave”;
the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced. Undetected severe cardiovascular
side effects & underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines &
myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals.
5) COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis: Causal Pathway to Sudden Unexplained Adult
Nearly every day, there is a report of a young, fit individual, usually a man, who suffers
unexplained sudden death, now termed “sudden adult death syndrome.”
Because COVID-19 vaccination is highly prevalent and linked to the development of
heart inflammation and myocarditis, it is a conservative and reasonable conclusion that
unless otherwise ruled out, sudden adult death syndrome is a consequence of
myocarditis. Fatal myocarditis should be sobering for those who encouraged and
pressured victims into vaccination including doctors, family, school, employers, military,
and others. They should reflect upon their actions that resulted in the loss of life, and
carry on in self-reproach, seeking forgiveness. On a practical basis, life insurance
companies will need to rely upon a working diagnosis and cause of death to re-calculate
actuarial risk groups and post-vaccine premium rates. Finally, for the rest to remain
alive without heart damage or risk of sudden adult death syndrome, the current products
must be recognized as a public health threat, recalled from global markets, and discarded
—all of them.
6) Evidence of harm: By Steve Kirsch:
The Canadian report prepared for the Liberal Party of Canada (Trudeau’s party) showed
no benefit for infection, hospitalization, and death for those under 60. “The empirical
evidence investigated in this report from PHO and PHAC does not support continuing
mass vaccination programs, mandates, passports and travel bans for all age groups.” You
can’t have a vaccine that doesn’t work in Canada work in other countries. The authors of
the report had to hide their identities for fear of retribution. The statistics analyzed were
those from Ontario which is not a small province (15M people). Naturally, the
mainstream press ignored the report. Nobody has shown where the experts who wrote
this made a mistake. The conclusion of the report is supported by independent analysis
done by Mathew Crawford of the data from San Diego County, San Diego County Data
Busts a Hole in Vaccine Efficacy Narrative. So apparently, the results are not limited to
7) All-cause deaths continue to skyrocket in Canada:
In early April, data analyst Kelly Brown began sounding the alarm concerning trends in
all-cause mortality that were not related to COVID-19 deaths. This has been further
confirmed by the report published by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
(JCCF), a Canadian organization and federally registered charity that vigorously defends
and fights to preserve the constitutional freedoms of Canadians through legal
representation and education.
JCCF recently published a 21-page report titled “Excess Deaths Contradict Narrative of
Success.” Utilizing data from Statistics Canada on all-cause mortality, President and
founder of the JCCF, John Carpay, calls this the “negative impacts – the harms – of
8) Dr. Denis Rancourt Reports:
2022-10-05 : Report: Proof that Canada’s COVID-19 mortality statistics are incorrect.
2022-09-23 : OCLA Report 2022-2: Canadian court decisions on the constitutionality
of Covid measures are invalid due to jurisdictional errors of law
2022-03-20 : Expert Report of Denis Rancourt, PhD – Outdoor transmission, efficacy
of masks, gravity of the declared pandemic
2021-08-06 : Analysis of all-cause mortality by week in Canada 2010-2021, by
province, age and sex: There was no COVID-19 pandemic, and there is strong evidence
of response-caused deaths in the most elderly and in young males.
2021-02-22 : Review of scientific reports of harms caused by face masks, up to February
Dr. Denis Rancourt discusses the findings of his recent statistical analysis of all-cause
mortality in the United States. His results show that public health measures were harmful
and that the COVID-19 genetic vaccination program did not reduce mortality. The rise
in excess deaths was not due to SARS-CoV-2 infection but may have been attributed to
the rise in cases of bacterial pneumonia. They found that the COVID-19 vaccination
campaign did not reduce all-cause mortality during the covid period. No deaths, within
the resolution of all-cause mortality, can be said to have been averted due to vaccination
in the USA. The mass vaccination campaign was not justified in terms of reducing excess
all-cause mortality. The large excess mortality of the covid period, far above the historic
trend, was maintained throughout the entire covid period irrespective of the
unprecedented vaccination campaign, and is very strongly correlated (r = +0.86) to
poverty, by state; in fact, proportional to poverty. It is also correlated to several other
socio-economic and health factors, by state, but not correlated to population fractions
(65+, 75+, 85+ years) of elderly state residents.
9) New study finds COVID-19 vaccines did not reduce mortality in the U.S. – Canadian Covid
Care Alliance
10) “The Long Term Effects and Efficacy of the Vaccines Are Not Currently Known” – The
Purchase Agreement Between the EU Commission and Pfizer. Further proof of the world’s
governments deliberately lying to the public while hiding the truth in plain sight.
“… The contracts confirm that, in the event of damage from side effects, the
compensation will fall almost exclusively on the states. Concessions made to
pharmaceutical companies in the field of civil liability have been debated throughout
Europe for months. But the text reiterates that the use “takes place in a period of epidemic
conditions and the administration of the products will be conducted under the sole
responsibility of the Member States”. Pharmaceutical companies are liable only in the
event of willful misconduct or a proven violation of Good Manufacturing Practices (the
good manufacturing practices that all companies are required to comply with). Patents,
on the other hand, remain in private hands, despite the indemnity and public funding.” in
the Vaccine Order Form (pages 48 – 49): “… The Participating Member State further
acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently
known and there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.
Further, to the extent applicable, the Participating Member State acknowledges that the
Vaccine shall not be serialized.” The Advance Purchase Agreement (APA) between the EU
Commission and BioNTech-Pfizer is further proof of the world’s governments
deliberately lying to the public while hiding the truth in plain sight.
11) The World Council For Health (WCH) has completed a comprehensive report analyzing the
safety of the COVID-19 genetic vaccines. Their data is collected from adverse event reporting
systems and other reports around the world.
12) Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health & Justice issued Cease & Desist Order
For mRNA-Type “Vaccines”, “COVID-Related” or Not, As Genetic Biowarfare, Genocide &
Crimes Against Humanity Bioweapons.—2.0-tribunal-ceasedesist-
The living, breathing women, Yayoi Takemoto©, have no contract or agreement with the
criminal corporations of CANADA, ONTARIO or any of their subsidiaries. If I were to do so in
any capacity this would make myself party to the offences.
All additional evidence pertaining to this letter as well as the letter itself can be found on under the heading “statements for public record”. Note that as
of Oct. 21st, 2022, CUPE has yet to produce a single piece of evidence to justify their crimes.
Any further communication must be through registered mail, addressed to “Secured Party
Creditor”. The name Yayoi Takemoto© and all variants have been copyrighted, and you do
not have permission to use the name. Violation of the copyright will be billed to the author
at a rate of $2,022,000.00 per use. Email is no longer considered to be a valid form of
communication, though should anyone choose to use this form of harassment, they will also
be billed for any unauthorized breach of the copyright.
I am Reserving our rights – without prejudice pursuant to UCC 1-308
I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract, commercial agreement or
bankruptcy that I did not knowingly enter willfully and intentionally, and furthermore I do not
and will not accept liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract commercial
agreement or bankruptcy. The corporation of Canada (
CIK=230098) is a bankrupt entity that has no legitimate contract or claim on me.
Without prejudice,
By order of YAYOI TAKEMOTO©,
By Yayoi Takemoto©,
Authorized Representative.
All Rights Reserved Under UCC 1-308.
The following is evidence that has been sent to CUPE and Tara Moriarty presently and prior to the Notice of dishonor:
1) EU Parliament Special Committee on COVID-19 pandemic Institutional Content
On October 10th, 2022, at European Union Parliament EU Parliament Special Committee
on COVID-19 pandemic Institutional Content (
Big Pharma LIES EXPOSED: Pfizer Exec ADMITS Covid-19 vaccine Was Never
Tested To Stop Transmission
2) Apology from Alberta Premier to unvaccinated people
Mask mandates in schools: Premier’s Statement
Alberta’s Premier issued the following statement on mask mandates in schools:
“Our government will not permit any further masking mandates of children in Alberta’s
K-12 education system. The detrimental effects of masking on the mental health,
development and education of children in classroom settings is well understood, and we
must turn the page on what has been an extremely difficult time for children, along with
their parents and teachers.
“I have directed our Justice minister to assess whether an appeal of Thursday’s Kings
Bench Court decision is appropriate, and have instructed our government’s ministers of
Justice, Health and Education to alert me to any legislative or regulatory changes that
may be necessary to reaffirm or clarify our government’s full authority with respect to
this and other health and education matters.”
4) All-cause deaths continue to skyrocket in Canada:
In early April, data analyst Kelly Brown began sounding the alarm concerning trends in
all-cause mortality that were not related to COVID-19 deaths. This has been further
confirmed by the report published by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
(JCCF), a Canadian organization and federally registered charity that vigorously defends
and fights to preserve the constitutional freedoms of Canadians through legal
representation and education.
JCCF recently published a 21-page report titled “Excess Deaths Contradict Narrative of
Success.” Utilizing data from Statistics Canada on all-cause mortality, President and
founder of the JCCF, John Carpay, calls this the “negative impacts – the harms – of
5) Dr. Denis Rancourt Reports:
2022-10-05 : Report: Proof that Canada’s COVID-19 mortality statistics are
2022-09-23 : OCLA Report 2022-2: Canadian court decisions on the
constitutionality of Covid measures are invalid due to jurisdictional errors of law
2022-03-20 : Expert Report of Denis Rancourt, PhD – Outdoor transmission,
efficacy of masks, gravity of the declared pandemic
2021-08-06 : Analysis of all-cause mortality by week in Canada 2010-2021, by
province, age and sex: There was no COVID-19 pandemic, and there is strong
evidence of response-caused deaths in the most elderly and in young males.
2021-02-22 : Review of scientific reports of harms caused by face masks, up to
February 2021.
Dr. Denis Rancourt discusses the findings of his recent statistical analysis of all-cause
mortality in the United States. His results show that public health measures were harmful
and that the COVID-19 genetic vaccination program did not reduce mortality. The rise in
excess deaths was not due to SARS-CoV-2 infection but may have been attributed to the
rise in cases of bacterial pneumonia. They found that the COVID-19 vaccination
campaign did not reduce all-cause mortality during the covid period. No deaths, within
the resolution of all-cause mortality, can be said to have been averted due to vaccination
in the USA. The mass vaccination campaign was not justified in terms of reducing excess
all-cause mortality. The large excess mortality of the covid period, far above the historic
trend, was maintained throughout the entire covid period irrespective of the
unprecedented vaccination campaign, and is very strongly correlated (r = +0.86) to
poverty, by state; in fact, proportional to poverty. It is also correlated to several other
socio-economic and health factors, by state, but not correlated to population fractions
(65+, 75+, 85+ years) of elderly state residents.
6) COVID-19 vaccines containing graphene (hydr)oxide
Dr. Noack released a video blowing the whistle on his findings regarding the
COVID-19 vaccines containing graphene (hydr)oxide and describing them as a
highly intelligent poison responsible for so many heart attacks and strokes.
Study in light of the fact that people are being injected with Graphene Oxide
“As a novel 2D material, graphene has aroused a boom in the field of sensor research
around the world due to its advantages in mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties.
Numerous graphene-based sensors used for human health monitoring have been reported,
including wearable sensors, as well as implantable devices”
“Due to its unique physicochemical properties, graphene oxide is widely employed in
medicine for purposes of photothermal treatment of cancer, drug delivery, antibacterial
therapy, and medical imaging. Our work describes the surface modification of graphene
oxide and for the first time summarizes that functionalized graphene oxide serves as a
vaccine carrier and shows significant adjuvant activity in activating cellular and humoral
7)How to remove Graphene Oxide, the dangerous & undisclosed ingredient in COVID
Vaccines, from the body
8) Sudden Death in Canada/worldwide
Dr. William Makis MD proves Canadian Doctors’ Deaths Following COVID Shot
Have more than Doubled To 80:
DEATH SHOTS: Canadian data show that COVID “vaccines” INCREASE the risk
of death from covid:
9) Still-birth, mRNA in breast-milk
28X increase in stillbirths in multiple parts of Canada?
But get this… it’s only happening to vaccinated moms. I wonder what is causing this?
When Canada’s top health official was asked for evidence, she said to trust the
Breaking: 58 babies who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines suffered life-
threatening adverse events:
Risks to Babies of Vaccinated Mothers as Reported in VAERS:
During the Moderna trial, 6-23-month-old babies suffered:
49.3% adverse reactions
Serious 0.5% – 5/1000
Severe 1/1200
Medically attended 27%
2-5yr olds suffered:
40% had an Adverse Reaction
21.8% medically attended
Severe Adverse Events 0.7%
Did Health Canada weigh the risk vs. benefit of the COVID vaccines for minors
before authorization?
10) Increase in myocarditis
COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis: Causal Pathway to Sudden Unexplained
Adult Death:
Nearly every day, there is a report of a young, fit individual, usually a man, who suffers
unexplained sudden death, now termed “sudden adult death syndrome.”
Because COVID-19 vaccination is highly prevalent and linked to the development of
heart inflammation and myocarditis, it is a conservative and reasonable conclusion that
unless otherwise ruled out, sudden adult death syndrome is a consequence of
myocarditis. Fatal myocarditis should be sobering for those who encouraged and
pressured victims into vaccination including doctors, family, school, employers, military,
and others. They should reflect upon their actions that resulted in the loss of life, and
carry on in self-reproach, seeking forgiveness. On a practical basis, life insurance
companies will need to rely upon a working diagnosis and cause of death to re-calculate
actuarial risk groups and post-vaccine premium rates. Finally, for the rest to remain alive
without heart damage or risk of sudden adult death syndrome, the current products must
be recognized as a public health threat, recalled from global markets, and discarded—all
of them.
11) Spike Protein
The CEO of Moderna has also confirmed what we already knew and warned about
regarding the dangerous spike proteins moving into the heart from the vaccine: https://
12) Dr. Paul Alexander’s study
Injecting Children with the mRNA COVID Gene Injection or Any of the COVID
Injections Can be Very Damaging to Their Developing Innate Immune System.
Dr. Paul Alexander states:
“This COVID gene injection must be stopped! It has failed and is ineffective and
harmful. – The vaccine is driving massive infectious pressure and keeping the
virus circulating. Ultimately, vaccinated persons are becoming infected and
spreading the virus. -Parents must understand that when the COVID injection is
given to young children, this (the vaccinal antibodies that are induced due to the
vaccine) prevents the child’s innate antibodies from eliminating the virus
confronted with now, and prevents the active training and teaching of the innate
immune effector cells on how to recognize (glycosylated) viruses and distinguish
them from “self” antigens (i.e., distinguish between “self” and “non-self.”). There
is a critical window of training for any immune system to learn at an early stage
of life (once passive maternal immune protection is no longer available e.g., at
about 4 to 6 months post birth) to provide for a healthy and appropriate immune
response, immediate and life-long. This interference with the initiating
foundational education of a child’s developing innate immune system can cause a
COVID-vaccinated child to be less capable of handling glycosylated viruses (and
glycosylated pathogens in general, as well as a range of pathogen). This
predisposes such children to immune pathology (e.g., autoimmune disease).”
Stanford’s John Ioannidis proves AGAIN COVID was NOT deadly for vast
majority, low IFR:
Ioannidis shows us what we have been arguing for 2 years, to strongly protect the
elderly & leave rest of non-elderly society alone, free, NO lockdowns or school
closures, no mandates, no vaccine.
Ioannidis Oct 2022 publication now
Alexander’s (my) publication in AIER 2 years ago
VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Crisis Imminent:
in this case COVID vaccine-related; Nursing Report from the Nicklaus Children’s
Hospital in Miami; a very serious situation we face. Our young children are &
will be in serious danger with these COVID gene injections; it is and will cause
havoc to their immune systems. It already is; rare & benign diseases are emerging,
all on the rise.
Sun et al.: “Increased emergency cardiovascular events among the under-40
population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave”;
the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced. Undetected severe
cardiovascular side effects & underscore the already established causal
relationship between vaccines & myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected
cardiac arrest in young individuals.
13) Evidence of harm: A short collection of key pieces of evidence showing the COVID
vaccines are not “safe and effective.” Not even close. They are the most deadly vaccines
we’ve ever produced. – By Steve Kirsch:
The Canadian report prepared for the Liberal Party of Canada (Trudeau’s party) showed
no benefit for infection, hospitalization, and death for those under 60. “The empirical
evidence investigated in this report from PHO and PHAC does not support continuing
mass vaccination programs, mandates, passports and travel bans for all age groups.” You
can’t have a vaccine that doesn’t work in Canada work in other countries. The authors of
the report had to hide their identities for fear of retribution. The statistics analyzed were
those from Ontario which is not a small province (15M people). Naturally, the
mainstream press ignored the report. Nobody has shown where the experts who wrote
this made a mistake. The conclusion of the report is supported by independent analysis
done by Mathew Crawford of the data from San Diego County, San Diego County Data
Busts a Hole in Vaccine Efficacy Narrative. So apparently, the results are not limited to
A new report prepared for the Liberal Party of Canada shows that vaccines have no
benefit for those under 60
Conclusion: “The Ontario data show that vaccination currently makes little difference in
terms of hospitalization and death rates for those below age 60.”
14) New study finds COVID-19 vaccines did not reduce mortality in the U.S. – Canadian
Covid Care Alliance
WCH COVID-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report – Canadian Covid Care Alliance
15) “The Long Term Effects and Efficacy of the Vaccines Are Not Currently Known” – The
Purchase Agreement Between the EU Commission and Pfizer. Further proof of the world’s
governments deliberately lying to the public while hiding the truth in plain sight.
“… The contracts confirm that, in the event of damage from side effects, the
compensation will fall almost exclusively on the states. Concessions made to
pharmaceutical companies in the field of civil liability have been debated throughout
Europe for months. But the text reiterates that the use “takes place in a period of epidemic
conditions and the administration of the products will be conducted under the sole
responsibility of the Member States”. Pharmaceutical companies are liable only in the
event of willful misconduct or a proven violation of Good Manufacturing Practices
(the good manufacturing practices that all companies are required to comply
with). Patents, on the other hand, remain in private hands, despite the indemnity and
public funding.” in the Vaccine Order Form (pages 48 – 49): “… The Participating
Member State further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the
Vaccine are not currently known and there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that
are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, the Participating Member
State acknowledges that the Vaccine shall not be serialized.” The Advance Purchase
Agreement (APA) between the EU Commission and BioNTech-Pfizer is further proof of
the world’s governments deliberately lying to the public while hiding the truth in plain
16) The World Council For Health (WCH) has completed a comprehensive report
analyzing the safety of the COVID-19 genetic vaccines. Their data is collected from adverse
event reporting systems and other reports around the world.
17) Masking
A Canadian Virologist/vaccine developer explains and shows why masks are not effective
at stopping viral particulates:
Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, and Damaging:
Face masks – the risks vs benefits for children:
How Dangerous Are Masks for Children?:
It’s Time to Follow the Science: Masks:
2022-03-20 ::: Expert Report of Denis Rancourt, PhD – Outdoor transmission, efficacy of
masks, gravity of the declared pandemic:
2021-09-20 ::: Do Face Masks Reduce COVID-19 Spread in Bangladesh? Are the
Abaluck et al. Results Reliable?:
2021-02-22 ::: Review of scientific reports of harms caused by face masks, up to
February 2021:
2020-08-03 ::: Face masks, lies, damn lies, and public health officials: “A growing body
of evidence”:
Air Canada statement that COVID measures were not backed by science: https://
Chris Schaefer, 27 year PPE specialist on the risks of masks and their lack of efficacy:
40+ study meta analysis of why masks are neither safe nor effective: https://
Graphene Oxide found in masks:
Are masks effective for Covid-19? What the science says… https://
The Science of Masks:
Ontario Nurses Association wins second arbitration against hospitals on ‘vaccinate or
mask’ policy (in short, it’s already been proven in court that masks do not work to stop
the spread of viruses in 2017):
Masks and Long COVID — What’s the Connection?
Any measure that may cause oxygen deprivation or inflammation is a risk for sudden
death and more severe infectious and chronic diseases (liver, heart problems and
neurodegenerative diseases).:
How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You:
The Dangers of Masks by Dr Paul Alexander:
Inhaled Microplastics Found in Lung Tissue — Are Face Masks Contributing to the
COVID masks never ever worked, harmed populations, I published massive reviews;
masks are pure utter garbage and junk, new ‘Bay area’ data shows clearly its ineffective
and DOES not work!
Anything by Dr Paul Alexander offers an incredible analysis of science from around the
world with REAL DATA:
18) Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health & Justice issued Cease & Desist
Order For mRNA-Type “Vaccines”, “COVID-Related” or Not, As Genetic Biowarfare,
Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity Bioweapons.—2.0-tribunal-ceasedesist-writofmandamus—
19)Aussie doctor blows the whistle on entire Covid “Pandemic” at Covid Medical Network
seminar | Cairns News
20) NYC’s Largest Police Union Wins Vaccine Mandate Case – Judge Rules Vaccine
Mandates “INVALID”
21) Judge orders NYPD union members fired over vax mandate reinstated
22) Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) | Oracle Films | News Uncut
23) Harry Rakowski: Canada makes the wrong vaccine choice — again
24) The Politics of Peer Review: Cutting-edge science shows that public health officials
spread misinformation
25) CANADA – Unreasonable for Toronto to dismiss firefighters over vaccine status,
arbitrator says
26) Attorney: Pfizer Vaccine Whistleblower False Claims Suit Payout could Reach $3.3
trillion “It would be enough to bankrupt Pfizer,”
27) CNN Medical Analyst Who Wanted To Ban The Unvaccinated From Society And Force
Children To Mask Now Reveals How Masking Has Severely Harmed Her Son
28)Judges Rule Against Canadian Provincial Health Ministers: They Are Not Above The
29)Employee severance claims over vaccine mandates could become stronger as restrictions
lift: lawyer:
30) New study: COVID booster significantly delays end of infection
31% boosted people still contagious 10 days post-infection vs. 6% unvaccinated: https://
31) 7,757 Serious Neurological events within 28 days of injection: Denmark, Norway,
32)Coronavirus crisis: Jab side effects sideline Chile president:
33)Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-
quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs: 16. Conclusions – This suppression will have a
wide range of consequences… the reduced ability to effectively combat future infections…
the dysregulation of the system for both preventing and detecting genetically
driven malignant transformation within cells… mRNA vaccination potentially disrupts
intracellular communication carried out by exosomes, and induces cells taking up
spike glycoprotein mRNA to produce high levels of spike-glycoprotein-carrying exosomes,
with potentially serious inflammatory consequences…:
34) Canadians’ rights have been, and continue to be, violated by all levels of government
since the start of the COVID-19 “pandemic”:
35) ’It’s really a vaccine using gene therapy technology, says scientist
36) How Does Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 Affect the Brain and Its
Implications for the Vaccines Currently in Use
37) Child Not Allowed Transfusion With Un-Vaccinated Blood | Child Not Allowed
Transfusion With Un-Vaccinated Blood
38) Too little, too late: Disband the CDC now
39) Wow! What a kick in the gonads by Markowicz of the New York Post: “Too little, too
late: Disband the CDC now”; read this, the CDC said what we said over one year now
“CDC’s COVID-19 prevention…
40) I’mNotCordelia on Twitter: “”I transported a 10 year old child having a heart attack. I
had to argue 30 min with the doctor I had to force his hand to have an ECG that clearly
shows a myocardial infarction due to the covid19 vaccine.”
41) Uninformed Consent – Full Documentary August 2022
42) Relative vs Absolute Risk Reduction
Absolute vs Relative Risk Reduction: Understanding the difference and why it matters
44) Grand Jury of Public Opinion:
45) All court filings and findings found on:
46) Attorney Thomas Renz’s findings and fillings:
47) International Crimes Against Humanity that the Canadian Government and its agents
have been a part of:
48) COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?
49) Bureaucrats responsible for public policy seemingly allowed to have private conflicts of
50) Suspecting federal corruption, scientist exhausts all Canadian-based options, seeks
justice internationally
All members of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly (myself included) have recognized the
crimes of the corporation of Canada, its agents and its subsidiaries: https://
All additional evidence pertaining to this letter as well as the letter itself can be found on under the heading “statements for public record”.
Notice Served to the man, Mark Hancock
Acting as the CUPE National President:
For Anyone Who Requires a template to Write Their Own Notice of Dishonor: