URGENT UPDATE: The Halton Regional Police as well as all police officers are guilty of facilitating organized crimes, criminal negligence, terrorism, genocide and are also complicit accomplices in the ongoing crimes against humanity, fraud and concealment of the defacto government of Canada/all subsidiaries. They have failed to investigate any of the evidence presented to them, follow up on any of the citizen’s arrests and criminal reports made by the members of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly and have also allowed the loss of income, bodily harm, death and trespass of thousands of men and women in the region. They have failed their duty of care, obligation to the public and openly violated their own Police Service Act and broken their oaths.

The Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly does not recognize, validate or deal with the criminal agents that choose to represent Canada, Ontario or any of its subsidiaries.

Sent to the following officers on January 19th, 2022 




To the men and women acting as officers/agents of the corporation of the HALTON REGIONAL POLICE,

You have received evidence of crimes in progress, criminal reports from parents in defence of their children, testimonials from world experts, and much more regarding the ongoing crimes against humanity. The latest matter of public record is from a father searching for answers of why his healthy, 17 year old son, Sean, was killed by the Pfizer injection: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CY39hMOh2Nq/?utm_medium=copy_link

Not only is this one of thousands of deaths directly related to the injection, but we also know that the pharma companies knew about the potential for death/serve adverse reactions:


If anyone had checked at Oakville Trafalgar Hospital, Joseph Brant or any hospital near the Halton region, your investigation would have also shown that the stillbirths that have occurred since the injections became available have gone from 5 a year to over 60 since the injections have started. Myocarditis and damage to the heart have also gone spiked since the injections, especially in young males. Pfizer knew that this was going to happen, as their own data supports the results: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/media-resources/the-pfizer-inoculations-for-covid-19-more-harm-than-good-2/

If one investigates the science according to Ontario’s own website you will find massive inconsistencies and errors: https://rumble.com/vpra5j-showing-the-science-dr.-byram-bridle.html

What’s more is that the government and Pfizer have clearly colluded to cover this up:

Judicial Watch: New Fauci Agency COVID Records Reveal Information about NIH Research into the Coronavirus

Judicial Watch: FBI Letter Shows Pfizer Tied to Investigation of Project Veritas

There is harm. There is death. Their are victims. We know who is responsible. We have informed you on who to investigate/arrest and you have chosen to do nothing. Those who were given the intel and chose to do nothing are party to the offences. The consequences are coming: https://www.nationalobserver.com/2022/01/12/news/rcmp-commissioner-loses-lawsuit-3-years-respond-spying-complaint


The Alliance Military forces have been made aware of this email and all actions taken by the Sovereign men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly. There will be answers for Sean and the thousands more that have lost their lives or been scarred for life by the damage caused by the experimental injections and the psychological warfare of the COVID measures.

Reservation of rights – without prejudice pursuant to UCC 1 308


We reserve our right not to be compelled to perform under any contract, commercial agreement or bankruptcy that we did not knowingly enter willfully and intentionally and furthermore, we do not and will not accept liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract commercial agreement or bankruptcy.

Yours in truth,

The living, breathing men and women
of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly