Lawful Notice


Required hearing

Notice to the principle is notice to the agent; notice to the agent is notice to the principle

This notice has been sent out via registered mail by multiple men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly to the Supreme court of Canada, the Canadian Judicial Council, the Ontario Judicial Council and the Regional Senior Justices of ONTARIO et al. All evidence/exhibits are posted on for public record.

For context, you are considered informed that all meanings in this/all communication’s are taken from the Oxford Dictionary of English or as commonly understood by living men and women, they are not to be confused with legalese or any other language. All character layout, whether capitalized, lower case or a combination of both are what is commonly recognized by living men and women and not to be taken in any other way or meaning.

Our position in this communication is that all living men and women standing under gods law, also known as the creators law, natural law, universal law, common law etc and operating outside the jurisdiction of statutory rules or man-made legislation. We do not work for any state department or the crown or operate under a licence as we do not require permission from another man or woman to run our lives peacefully. In addition to this, many of us have corrected our status under common law and maritime law and changed our status to that of a Secured Party Creditor under the Uniform Commercial Code.

If you require the meaning or definition of any word, sentence, or paragraph in this document then can be done by submitting a written request within seven days from receipt of this notice. Please note that any of your responses will be considered to be under penalty of perjury, unless stated otherwise.

In relation to our requirement, we understand that the Superior Court of Ontario and Supreme Court of Canada consists of selected judges, from within your system. We also concede that you will wish to select judges to adjudicate in this matter and to assist you in this process we have no objection to using your place of business and your selected judges, provided they are of sound mind and mentally competent. Any judge that fails to recognize a living, breathing man or woman before them would not be of sound mind. Any judge that fails to acknowledge the corporation of Canada ( or Ontario ( would not be of sound mind.

It should also be noted that any judge that also speaks to a dead entity (known as a “person”) would also not be of sound mind.

‘We the People’/the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly, represented by Daniel Warren Oke© (Secured Party Creditor, Executor of the Takemoto-Oke Sovereign Trust and co-contributor of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly) write to you as we require a meeting to obtain three rulings from the Superior Court and the Supreme Court. The subject matter to be addressed are the crimes committed against the people by statutory authorities. These crimes are numerous and varied, which confirms that these crimes are not singular issues but are ongoing.

The living, breathing men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly have actively made our evidence and positions clear as well as standing on the principles of truth, peace, science, evidence and the International Covenants and Treaties such as but not limited to the International Covenants of Civil and Political Rights, the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the Rome Statute and more. The members of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly all agree to commit to no harm, loss or trespass and to act in honour at all times.

While this confirms that we stand together it is also used to confirm that we have various crimes that they relate to. Should you require additional evidence, we will be happy to provide them in larger numbers. It should also be noted that this number was restricted so as to assist you and to reduce the workload. All evidence and exhibits can be found here:

While we have attached an index of people and a copy of the paperwork for each case, we wish to list below some of the issues that we are addressing, this is not exhaustive:

        1. Tax issues
        2. Bailiff’s Unlawful behaviour
        3. Criminal and Unlawful Police Behaviour
        4. Kidnapping by the state
        5. Unlawful detention by the state
        6. Unlawful Imprisonment
        7. Theft by using the proceeds of crime undertakings
        8. Various driving issues
        9. Criminal coercion
        10. Slavery
        11. Unlawful activity by the courts
        12. Unlawful behaviour by the judges
        13. Unlawful behaviour by the Attorney General of Canada
        14. Criminal and Unlawful Council behaviour by Members of Parliament
        15. Criminal and Unlawful behaviour in relation to bankruptcy issues
        16. Theft of property (children)
        17. Theft of property (unlawful evictions)
        18. Theft of money from bank accounts (obtaining money through deception)
        19. The dismissal of employees for failing to be vaccinated
        20. The enforcement of unlawful all covid related legislation
        21. The failure to comply with Common Law Court Orders
        22. The failure to act under the rule of law
        23. The failure to uphold the international covenants and treaties
        24. The failure of the state to assist with enforcement of Common Law Court Orders
        25. Census – criminal coercion, fraud & slavery
        26. The refusal to accept Common Law Court Passports and the people’s right to travel
        27. The Refusal to accept Common Law Court travellers’ documents and right to travel
        28. The theft of CLC Documents and the refusal to accept the authority of the people
        29. The theft of motor vehicles by statutory authorities
        30. The refusal of statutory corporations to accept the authority of the Common Law Court, the standing of living men and women and the Common Law Court paper work/deeds/orders.
        31. The failure to act within the proper jurisdiction

In relation to the above issues, although they relate to a great many cases, they do in fact only require three decisions, which are the same for each case. Each of the cases referred to are irrelevant until these issues have been addressed, therefore establishing whether or not the cases should have proceeded in the first place.

Rulings Required

    1. Confirmation that statutory corporations, judges, and courts HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER LIVING MEN AND WOMEN,

    1. Confirmation that statutory corporations, judges, and courts HAVE NO JURISDICTION OVER LIVING MEN AND WOMEN,

    1. Confirmation that statutory corporations, judges, and courts ARE BINDING PEOPLE INTO SLAVERY through the use of the fictitious name/legal name attached to them.

While we are aware that the Superior Court and the Supreme Court have no authority or jurisdiction over a living man or woman, we are aware that the individuals committing the crimes, against the people are bound by your court decisions.


It has become clear that under the Clearfield doctrine (Exhibit 2), which are you sure are fully aware of, the Superior Court of Ontario and the Supreme Court of Canada have been operating as a commercial enterprise, without full disclosure to men and women who were deceived into believing that you were a lawful authority and a court.

As the statutory authorities in these cases, were also operating as registered corporations, they were guilty of several crimes under common law and any actions and decisions they have made, were clearly an opinion and not lawful. Under Halsbury’s Law of England in the year 2011, under the heading “administrative courts” all courts acting in an administrative capacity are both unlawful and illegal, this means that any man or woman that causes a tort under common law, is responsible in their private capacity and therefore will be required to remedy the situation or face a common law court. Commercial courts can ONLY operate with full disclosure, by mutual contractual consent and with equal consideration, this they have failed to do and have intentionally committed fraud with menace in order to make a financial gain, this of course is unacceptable and will require immediate redress. Due to the failure of the corporations and courts involved, to disclosure the terms, conditions and the lack of a lawful contract that has been agreed and seen by all parties involved, these parties were required to produce a copy of their contract to confirm their standing.

There is irrefutable evidence of clear profit-making practices by the corporations and courts involved, this confirms a fraud upon the people, who no longer find this acceptable.

    1. I, Daniel Warren Oke©, write to confirm that the Common Law Court, Great Britain and International was created on the 11th June 2017, to address the failings in the statutory judicial system and to provide a lawful remedy for living men and living women.

    1. I write to confirm that as part of the Common Law Court responsibilities, it keeps a record of declarations for bits of living men, women, and their property (children).

    1. I write to confirm that the Common Law Court keeps a record of the business owner-ships for fictions names (legal entities), thus confirming that the use of them without the owner’s consent, authority or jurisdiction is unlawful.

    1. I say that I, Daniel Warren Oke© have confirmed my standing as a living man, having submitted my declaration of birth to the Common Law Court and registered my sovereign status with the First Republic Registrar Foundation. In addition to this, I am also the executor of the Takemoto-Oke Sovereign Trust as well as being the ONLY authorized representative of the corporation of DANIEL WARREN OKE©, as indicated on my UCC 1 financial statement.

In relation to this case, the statutory corporations, judges, and courts involved are guilty of binding the people into slavery through the use of the fictitious name/legal fiction. To assist this process, the statutory corporations, judges, and courts have acted unlawfully, while ignoring the authority of the people and by using criminal coercion, intimidations, and threats.

I write to confirm that the statutory corporations, judges, and courts involved are committing a fraud upon the people to obtain their property. This fraud also included the failure to identify the Defendant, wither a living man/woman or a legal fiction, and criminal coercion.

The statutory corporations, judges, and courts in these cases are guilty of using the courts and criminal coercion to target living men and women by using statutory rules.

I also write to confirm that, in relation to these issues, unless the judge could confirm that they had superior authority to the various international covenants and treaties, International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice, Common Law Court, the people and God, the Common Law Court deeds referred to, cannot be ignored.

I confirm that, until such time as it is established that the court had the authority and jurisdiction to deal with these issues, they have been acting Ultra Vires, with Bias and have Erred in Law. In issuing ay and/or previous orders, the statutory corporations, judges, and courts are responsible for committing fraud, theft of property, and criminal coercion.

I now write to confirm that, as a person or corporation is unable to obtain parity with a living man/woman, statutory legislation is unenforceable without consent, a valid contract, authority, and jurisdiction. To force compliance, is criminal coercion, slavery and a breach of our inherent birth rights, this is confirmed and established by the Clearfield Doctrine (Exhibit 2, the Declaration of the Common Law Court 2019 (Exhibit 1) as well as the various crimes of Canada:

I confirm that, the statutory courts are all corporations and can only deal with a Person/corporation, they will never obtain parity with a living man or living woman and as such will never have any authority or jurisdiction over them.

I confirm that, contract law established that for a contract to be valid, certain conditions must be fulfilled, one of these conditions is that there must be a full disclosure. This was not the case, given the failure to identify the Defendants in these cases and the use of the legal fictions against the living men/women.

I confirm that, a valid contract also requires the consent of all parties involved, this was not the case as ‘We the People’ have never consented.

I write to confirm that, the legislation that was used to obtain previous orders was statutory, this was not enforceable against living men and women, or their property, and any attempt to enforce such an order would confirm the use of criminal coercion and slavery.

I confirm that in addition to the above unlawful activities, the jurisdiction of the agents working for the mentioned parties, have been proven to be unlawful.

It is being stated by ‘We the People’ and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly the Declaration of the Common Law Court 2019 stands as a founding document and established the sovereignty of living men and women from birth.

This position confirms that the statutory corporations, judges, and courts have no authority to issue any order against a living man or woman. It also confirms that the court has failed to comply with the Declaration of the Common Law Court 2019 and is therefore guilty of binding the people into slavery.

I confirm that, the statutory corporations, judges, courts, and their agents are guilty of the following crimes; an abuse of position, Theft of Property, Kidnapping, Criminal Coercion, Uttering, the Failure to accept the positions of living men and women, Refusal to Comply with common law, Tyranny and Treason, to name a few.

I also write to confirm that the Parties in the attached cased have breached the United National Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 and specifically:

Article 4

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade prohibited in all their forms.

Article 7

All are equal before the law and entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 12

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right included freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community which others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.

Article 20

2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

In addition to the above ‘We the People’ and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly refer you to the following supreme court rulings which establish our positions as a living men and women, these are applicable to our cases:

    • That the following supreme court ruling confirms that unlawful behaviour of the various parties:

Montgomery vs State 55 Fla. 97-45S0.879.

S.54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54),



Supreme Court of the United Stated 1795, “Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, cost, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.” S.C.R. 1795, (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57;3 Dall. 54).

    • That the following supreme court ruling confirms the unlawful behaviour of the various parties:

U.S. Supreme Court – Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1906)

Hale v. Henkel – No.340

Argued January 4, 5, 1906

Deceided March 12, 1906

201 U.S. 43

Hale v. Henkel 201 U.S. 43 at 89 (1906) the Decision of the United States Supreme Court states: “The individual” may stand upon “his Constitutional Rights” as a CITIZEN. He is entitles to carry on his “private” business in his own way. “His power to contract is unlimited.” He owes no duty to the State or to his neighbours to divulge his business, or to open his doors to an investigation, so far as it may tend to incriminate him. He owes no duty to the State, since he received nothing therefrom, beyond the protection fo his life and property. “His rights” are such as “existed” by the Law of the Land (Common Law) “long antecedent” to the organization of the State” and can only be taken from him by “due process of law”, and “in accordance with the Constitution.” “He owes nothing” to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights.”

Additional Note

The subject of slavery has been addressed by many countries and it is deemed to be abhorrent at all levels, a case in question was heard in the United States of America’s Supreme Court and I state that this is applicable to the Superior Court of Ontario and the Supreme Court of Canada.

United States v. Schooner Amistad,

40 U.S. (15 Pet.) 518 (1841)

This case was considered in 1839 with a decision in 1841

John Quincy Adams

(Former United States President)

Confirmed the following:

When a living man appears in court to confirm his standing, he should be acknowledged as a hero and rewarded with medals, he should be recorded as a hero and our children should be told about him, but this court will not even acknowledge him as living and have prosecuted him as a LEGAL PERSON/LEGAL ENTITY and NOT HUMAN.

If the Supreme Court were to adapt a similar position to the south and the prosecution of the slaves, it would be confirming that living men and women with certain inherent, lawful, and moral rights were free to engage in insurrection with those who would deny them their freedom.

John Quincy Adams then asked,

If the Supreme Court were to take position of the South, in relation to the issue of slavery, and that it was correct, what would that mean to the Declaration of Independence?

John Quincy Adams suggested that,

If the Supreme Court were to agree with the South, we should just tear up the Declaration of Independence, as the rights of living men and women no longer matter.

I would take this further and say this is also applicable to the following documents; the Acts of Union 1707, Magna Carta 1215, King James Bible 1611 and even the Declaration of Arbroath 1320, which established the freedoms of all living men and women.

Can you confirm if this is the position that the Supreme Court of Canada wish to adapt relation to the documents mentioned above?

John Quincy Adams was successful in this case, freeing the slaves concerned.

I write to confirm that all claims against living men, women and their property should be ceased immediately.

It should also be noted that unless you can confirm that the statutory corporations, judges, and courts involved had superior authority to that of the people, the Common Law Court, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, and God, they were guilty of committing crimes against the people.

In conclusion, ‘We the People’ and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly require you to issue the court orders referred to above. In the event that these orders are not issued, ‘We the People’ and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly would required a date for a hearing to challenge the authority and jurisdiction of the court. This Challenge would not be time-barred as it revolves around the issues of fraud.

In the event that you fail to issue the required orders or a date for our challenge hearing, ‘We the People’ and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly will require you to confirm what authority you rely on to justify your position?

If you are reluctant to comply with the above and believe that it is not in the public interest to proceed, we require you to issue an order setting aside all cases/issues covered in this notice, without prejudice.

It should also be noted that as living men and women, who have obtained ownership of the fictitious name attached to them and our UCC 1 financial statements, ‘We the People’ and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly have also confirmed our standing as the beneficiaries for the named trusts.

‘We the People’ and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly also write to confirm that the statutory corporations, judges, and courts involved in committing these crimes, have been accessing our personal trusts, unlawfully.

Within the relevant court rooms, all statutory individuals involved in these cases have a financial interest in the hearing as they have obtained access to the named trust. Accordingly, these individuals should have lodged the appropriate tax returns, and should this matter not be dealt with, ‘We the People’ and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly will require a full forensic tax audit to confirm where all the money went, this will include copies of all tax returns for those involved, including judges, clerks, solicitors, barristers, and the CPS etc.

‘We the People’ and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly wish to draw your attention to the fact that this case is the most important one to come before this court as it concerns the very nature of a living man and slavery. Your actions and that of the Supreme Court of Canada have a huge bearing on this issue.

Please Note

To ensure that the people have access to this court document and any replies, we have lodged a copy of the paperwork on to the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly website for information. All future paperwork in relation to this matter will also be uploaded to this site.

You are hereby given fourteen days, from the date of receipt, to respond to this notice and a further seven days within which to hear this issue. All of your responses will be considered to be written under penalty of perjury, unless stated otherwise.

This matter should be dealt with as a matter of urgency as it concerns life and death issues which relate to covid/health and travel matters.

We are Reserving our rights – without prejudice pursuant to UCC 1-308

We reserve our right not to be compelled to perform under any contract, commercial agreement or bankruptcy that we did not knowingly enter willfully and intentionally, and furthermore we do not and will not accept liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract commercial agreement or bankruptcy. The corporation of Canada ( is a bankrupt entity that has no legitimate contract or claim on us.

Without prejudice,

We the People

and the men and women of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly

Subject Solely to Authority and

Jurisdiction of the Common Law Court and God/Creator/Prime Source

Exhibit 1 

Exhibit 3 (International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice trial evidence):—cease-and-desist-order-and-writ-of-mandamus—king-charles-iii-et-alios-2.pdf–2.14.2022-order-to-cease-desist-emergency-writ-of-mandamus—arrest-removal-incarceration-warrants—covid-bioweapons-5g-dew.pdf—covid-vaccination-genetic-biowarfare-genocidal-covid-measures.pdf—covid-vaccination-genetic-biowarfare.pdf—members-of-parliament-of-canada-order-to-cease-desist—covid-vaccination-genetic-biowarfare.pdf—covid-vaccination-genetic-biowarfare.pdf—substituted-service-via-email—from-natural-and-common-law-community-based-tribunal-lakeshore-sovereign-assembly-trina-joy-thornhill-.pdf

Exhibit 5 (The Government of Canada/Ontario and judicial system has committed fraud through the forced characterization of “person” as well as failure to uphold the international covenants and treaties): 





Exhibit 2 

 Exhibit 4 (The Corporation of the Government of Canada/Ontario and all subsidiaries are engaged in ongoing crimes against humanity and domestic terrorism: